When it comes to language learning platforms, Clozemaster is probably one of the simplest. The name comes from the concept of a “cloze test”, which involves filling in blanks, which is what the platform is based on. As of 2023, there are 70 languages available to learn for English speakers. After picking a language, users can get right into learning through exercises where a sentence is given with one word missing, full translation under it, and four choices for the correct answer.
The target audience is likely more intermediate users who already know a bit of the language, since the format is much more similar to practice than teaching new vocabulary. That being said, it isn’t necessarily bad for beginners either. It can be fun to learn through trial and error, just picking out words and seeing which answers are correct. As always with online language learning platforms, this should only be used as a supplement, whether at the beginner stage or later on. However, it is definitely a useful one as far as supplements go.
The language selection is great relative to most online language learning platforms. The 70 languages include the typical Spanish and French, less spoken national languages like Belarusian and Latvian, widely spoken but less taught languages like Bengali, and even regional language like Cornish and Breton.
As usual with language learning platforms, there is definitely a difference in how much learning material is provided per language. More commonly learned languages will have specific exercises for certain grammatical features, for example. Some of these are very specific and target areas of grammar that some students find challenging, like por and para in Spanish. Many languages have a “fluency fast track” which chooses sentences based on the level of the student. Less common languages seem to just give sentences as random, however, this is still useful, especially for intermediate students.
Clozemaster sources its sentences from Tatoeba, which some criticize due to them not being original and, theoretically, being something anyone can do. That being said, creating thousands of flashcards off Tatoeba in a comfortable to use format isn’t exactly something that can be done in an afternoon, so Clozemaster is still definitely worth using. The drawback is that inaccurate or inappropriate sentences can sometimes slip through. However, this is a fairly minor risk and most people probably make more mistakes creating their own flashcard.
Clozemaster is a simple tool which is definitely worth having as a supplement. It provides a similar experience to flashcards, however, with a large amount of ready made sentences available in a variety of languages, which is a huge convenience. It can be a very simple way to supplement a balanced language learning routine.